Dystopia987 was driven by the realisation of a character through stages of emergence and interaction over the course of the evening. Rail9 was this character's first steps in understanding its physical surroundings.
The crowd filters into the damp street, having had one of the nights of their lives.
All the complex tech had only heightened their experiences together, rather than hijacked it. The whole thing would have been perfect for Instagram.
What he and his collaborators built was a vision of the future, and what it might look and feel and sound like, if we want it, if we create it.
The character ‘Dambrin’ christened after Didier ‘GOL’ Dambrin, reached out into the space, defining its form, sampling movement and heat.
The visual processing and output was driven by the positional relationship of the scanner to its environment. The scanner swept up and down the length of the tunnel.
At its extremes the output would be discordant and fractured, whilst at its midpoint of travel, the output would be briefly coherent. These waves of coherence and de-coherence were like a visual metronome as the tempo of the evening progressed and Dambrin coalesced.